Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Offworld: Boing Boing getting bloated?

Boing Boing is adding another subtopic to it's amazingly addictive blog. Called offworld, for gamers. As "progress happens" and a site gets bigger it needs to divide itself up to keep everyone happy. RE: Microsoft bloat, tries to be everything to everyone with every possible notion of what they might try to do with a PC. It is pretty clear from the term itself "PC Bloat"
I enjoy BoingBoing's main blog and the Gadgets too, though I sometimes wish I could get a digest with it all in one place. Boing Boing TV I find less captivating, perhaps because I can't set the pace, you become a passive observer, ala TV. 
 I'm not a gamer, or I might be ecstatic about a gamer subsection just for Video games.
Adding subsections with overlapping content IS an excellent way to serve more ads, because , Hey, we all gotta eat.

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