Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Headline! Cut and Pasting on an iPhone


ridiculous that it's taken this long,

Space Bat

a tiny speck in a photo was blown up to reveal a bat clinging to the side of the space shuttle when launching on March 15, 2009. That's some crazy enhancement imaging.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ironic Pork at the Fairfax Farmers Market, LA

Atrocious and hilarious at the same time, depending on your sense of humor ( and your beliefs) Marconda's Homemade breakfast Sausage promises to be the "absolutely the Best". When your breakfast can be sculpted in the shape of the animal it is made from, it gets bonus points on my scorecard.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Toy and Action Figure Museum Nerdtopia

collecting action figures has paid off for Kevin Stark, curator of The Toy and Action Figure Museum in Oklahoma. Check it out.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Overpass eats trailer tops for breakfast

this overpass makes short work of anything taller than 11'8" which apparently, many trailers are just higher than that. fascinating to watch.


Renting a room from Craigslist in LA

It's an interesting mix of people renting out rooms from their house or apartments in LA.

There is the older Jewish lady whose son moved out and she is trying to rent his room . The house house smelled, the backyard was full of broken lawn furniture, and the large fish tank in the living room had dying fish.

The realtor giving off all the realtor vibes, "so are you ready to move in?" with the follow up call. have you decided when you want to move in ?"

The middle-ageish guys in Redondo renting out a room. (no weird comments)

The nice Japanese man that teaches karate, whose wife is in Japan and cooks traditonal Japanese meals.

The tiny den in the front window next to the front door,( it was like a large closet) with an interesting mix of people, divorced mother and teenage son, young ex-marine, another divorcee.

there's several creepy ads on Craigslist as well, someone advertising for $1 rent if you will be his girlfriend, lots of "female only" ads, a stoner beach bum with a tiki party.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Apple PowerMac circa 2000

I just came across my invoice for my old G4 tower from MacMall back in 2000. Here's a breakdown in pricing and specs to see how far things have come in 9 years.

G4 tower 400 mhz $1599
10GB hard drive upgrade $129.95
64MB RAM upgrade $129.95
NEC 19" CRT Monitor $369.95
External CD Burner $400
Epson Scanner $249.95

Throw in Norton Antivirus for $64.95, and RAM installation (required) $29.95.

the whole package was $2973.70.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Worst intersections in US- 33% in Los Angeles

Forbes rated the worst intersections in the US, and 33% are in Los Angeles. the 405, 101, and 110 freeways were among the most frequently mentioned.
Don't frive angry!
