Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Renting a room from Craigslist in LA

It's an interesting mix of people renting out rooms from their house or apartments in LA.

There is the older Jewish lady whose son moved out and she is trying to rent his room . The house house smelled, the backyard was full of broken lawn furniture, and the large fish tank in the living room had dying fish.

The realtor giving off all the realtor vibes, "so are you ready to move in?" with the follow up call. have you decided when you want to move in ?"

The middle-ageish guys in Redondo renting out a room. (no weird comments)

The nice Japanese man that teaches karate, whose wife is in Japan and cooks traditonal Japanese meals.

The tiny den in the front window next to the front door,( it was like a large closet) with an interesting mix of people, divorced mother and teenage son, young ex-marine, another divorcee.

there's several creepy ads on Craigslist as well, someone advertising for $1 rent if you will be his girlfriend, lots of "female only" ads, a stoner beach bum with a tiki party.

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